Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Harmony Middle School

Monday morning I went to visit Ronda Hassig, a school librarian at Harmony Middle School. I met Ronda last year at Shane Evans Studio in Kansas City, MO. She was there showcasing the artwork & poetry her 7th grade english students created during the on site residency of poet Bonnie Lynn Tolson.

The project was based around 'homelessness' and the importance of understanding--being empathetic to plights of others. Bonnie worked with Ronda's students and the end result was poetry depicting the students' understanding of what it means to be homeless.

Harmony With Voice was published as the end result. 77 pages of student poetry... and the creativity doesn't stop there...

The students have been paired with art students, who have or will create empty bowls that reflect the sentiment or "golden line" from each specific poem. These bowls will be auctioned off in two weeks at a silent auction. All proceeds will go to TruLight, a homeless shelter in Kansas City, MO.

I hung out in Ronda's library for two hours and alongside picking up all this great creative information, I was able observe Ronda interacting with her students.... and I must say I left her library smilin' and inspired.