Saturday, March 07, 2009


I'm not sure if you know of this site already but I've just stumbled across it and thought of you immediately. WeBook claims to be a new kind of publisher:

"WEbook is the vision of a few occasionally erudite people who believe there are millions of talented writers whose work is ignored by the staid and exclusive world of book publishing. It just makes sense: If you create a dynamic, irreverent, and open place for writers and readers to meet, write, react, and think together, the results will be extraordinary. Cue, an online book publishing company that allows writers, editors, reviewers, illustrators, and others to join forces to create great works of fiction and non-fiction, thrillers and essays, short stories, children's books and more."

I had a quick look around the site and thought this was a great idea for anyone suffering from writer's block. What really caught my attention was the possibility of collaborating on a publication featuring text and images. Do you think this is something we could try together?