Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Visit?

Hello Jon!

My name is Leslie Goodwin and I work with Angel at the Central Resource Library. Currently I am interning here for College credit hours. I am the facilitator for the Creative Commons group here, which is a creative writing group that meets once a month at the library.

Angel and I have been hitting our heads against the wall attempting to figure out a way to connect with the students in London. After a couple of concussions Angel and I have finally come up with some ideas that we wanted to run by you.

First off, I want to create a sort of Pen Pal system with your students. Three of the females in my Creative Commons group (along with me) want to start a creative inspiration process with your students. We want to write pieces and then send them to your students, who will then read them, and be inspired to either take photographs, draw pictures, or do some creative aspect and then send it back to us. Where we will then look at the pieces they have sent and be inspired to write more pieces. Each of us would have one person who we creatively connect with (so the pen pal effect comes into play here).

We would like to do this in the upcoming spring. With that said, we have an even bigger hurdle to leap. Angel and I want to actually do some fund raising and come to London and meet you and the students involved in Kreate and Konnect. We're aiming for it to be at the beginning of August and we would like to stay for a week to ten days.

What we would like to know from you is what dates would be the best for us to potentially come and visit, we would like to know how many of your students are willing to do this with us, how we could meet online possibly (video chat), and what other ideas you have that could make this even bigger.

The last thing I would like to mention is that I have a young man in my Creative Common group who is from Korea and he believes that he knows a teacher there who would love to make this communication a triangle effect, so that we have yet another group in the world that we are creatively inspiring.

We would love to hear your ideas about this possibility.

I hope you have a wonderful day!

: )
