Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Some ideas to mull over...

Here are a few ideas for joint projects that have been blowing around inside my head for a while:

* set up a shared Flickr gallery and encourage participants to post images on particular themes e.g. community, creativity, my space, room with a view etc. These themes could change periodically and a prize/award could be given for the best image(s)

* produce a book (Blurb?) containing a mixture of writing, art work, photography about the experience of living in a community - dreams and aspirations, fears, celebrations, family life, education, activities etc. It would be great of this could inter-generational and reflect the history of the communities being explored.

* create a postcard exchange a bit like Post Secret but with each postcard describing an unusual aspect of life in the community from which it emerges. This could be a pretty creative, design led project with the message appearing on the front. It could also encourage some amusing/quirky/surreal observations to be exchanged. The postcards could also be videos and posted on either YouTube or Tallis Shorts - a kind of community TV station.

* I'm really keen on the idea of gift exchange (The Gift). Would it be possible to set up a scheme where hand crafted artefacts are exchanged between our communities? Perhaps there could simply be one meaningful object from each community which is passed around between individuals so that they become keepers of the gift for a period of time. Maybe there are additional responsibilities/privileges that accompany this honour?

That's all for now, although there are more ideas bubbling away.
Happy holidays.


angel said...

i inter library loaned the the book you mentioned, as I desperately want to read it. I will post one collobration idea of mine later today.

Leslie Diane said...

Hello! My name is Leslie Goodwin and I work with Angel. I am the facilitator for Creative Commons, the young adult writing program, at the Central Resource Library.

Angel told me about the ideas that you both have been blossoming and I am very interested in becoming involved.

As a creative writer I would love to be able to connect with your students. Through the creative process I really think that we can string our communities together!

Creative Commons has a brand new blog. I'll send you the URL once it really gets going. I hope it can develope into something amazing!

I hope that I can become involved in this wonderful project!

Please feel free to email me at

Thank you!

Jon said...

Leslie, we would love to have you involved in this project. I look forward to collaborating with you and checking out the Creative Commons blog.