Saturday, August 09, 2008

an idea...

i think your ideas are all wonderful & quite feasible...
we should approach the joint flickr page as soon
as we can. the artefact idea...oh, how I love it!

after watching the opening of the olympics last night
we certainly must do something together creatively
when they come your way in four years... we can pine away
at the idea with time though, eh?

my one idea as of now, is to have a creative exchange~ a bridge of sorts.
writers and artists/photographers paired up or paved together on the inspiration road.

a photogragh would inspire a new poem. a poem would inspire a new photo exhibit focus or piece of art work. I would also love to pair a few teen artists with any writers you may know...

I actually picked up this idea this past spring after interviewing two teen editors of high school literary magazine. they sponsored such an event with artists and writers at their school and it was a huge success...


Jon said...

I'll set up a Flickr page ASAP and send you the link. I'll talk to my students when I get back to school about the gift exchange idea.