Thursday, July 31, 2008


Welcome to our new blog, Kreate & Konnect. We hope that this site and all the other projects we plan to initiate over the following months (and years) will help to forge a creative connection between our communities. The connection began through Flickr. Angel used some of my photographs in a youth publication she was co-ordinating. We soon realised that we shared more than an interest in photography. Both of us work in community contexts and are committed to the idea that fostering creativity is an important part of building social capital and promoting community cohesion. We don't see thousands of miles and different time zones as being significant barriers in attempting to connect our communities. Indeed, this is a challenge which we look forward to tackling in the coming months. This blog will serve as a journal of our attempts to discover creative ways to link the work we do, find meaningful connections and celebrate the talents and ingenuity of local people where we live and work. Who knows, we may even get to meet in person one day!

Please check back soon for more information about Kreate & Konnect.